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Post Title: Justo en Dolor Mollis, Purus, et Elit

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Aenean Elit Porta Fringilla Sit et Ipsum Dolor Amet

Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue aenean lacinia bibendum ipsm dolor.

Fusce Lorem Justo Mattis

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla nec consequat velit. Pellentesque eget consequat elit, sit amet pellentesque dolor. Sed sed consequat nibh. Etiam mollis sem ac felis lobortis, sit amet aliquet massa pulvinar. Praesent condimentum porta metus at porta. Vestibulum felis dui, vulputate et ante sed, semper luctus quam. 

Sample Post Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla nec consequat velit. Pellentesque eget consequat elit, sit amet pellentesque dolor. Sed sed consequat nibh. Etiam mollis sem ac felis lobortis, sit amet aliquet massa pulvinar. Praesent condimentum porta metus at porta. Vestibulum felis dui, vulputate et ante sed, semper luctus quam. 

The CAIS School Innovation Grant Program (SIG) supports the creation of knowledge within the CAIS network
2024-2025 Application Details. Thank you for your interest in the 2024-2025 CAIS School Innovation Grant Program. Application details will be posted when available. Please check back regularly for updates.

Congratulations to the 2023-2024 School Innovation Grant Recipients

Thank you to all leaders and aspiring leaders who submitted applications for the 2023-2024 CAIS School Innovations Grants program. The CAIS School Innovation Grants Committee engaged in thoughtful deliberations pertaining to the purpose and design of the research projects, assessing their potential positive impact on individual school communities and the broader CAIS community.

This year, the committee is delighted to announce the selection of six impactful projects. Please join us in celebrating the following successful grant recipients ($1,000 per school):

  • Brittany Shelly from Crescent School: "Peer mentoring for IEP students"
  • Christopher Griffith from Crofton House School: "Student agency through co-creation of PLC"
  • Julia Hunt from Pickering College: "OE winter program"
  • Rachel Greenstein from The Sterling Hall School: "AI learning for Grade 4 students"
  • Scott Pollock from St. Mildred’s-Lightbourn School: "AI learning for Grade 9 students: ethics"
  • Ty Riddick and Andrew Chalmers from Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School: "Meaningful PE curriculum implementation"

These grant recipients, known as Cohort 3, will undergo a mentoring and collaboration process with both the committee and previous grant recipients (Cohort 1 and Cohort 2). The expectation is that they will share their research outcomes in the SIG Webinar Series with the greater CAIS community during the 2024-2025 school year.

Thank you to all those who submitted their applications. The committee feels fortunate to have received so many excellent submissions with the potential to positively impact schools.

Are you a member?

For complete details on the CAIS School Innovation Grants program visit the CAIS School Innovation Grants page in the member portal CAIS Connect.

For any questions regarding CAIS Research Programs and Services, please contact CAIS Manager of Research Programs David Goodman at dgoodman@cais.ca.