Expect The Best


Post Title: Justo en Dolor Mollis, Purus, et Elit

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Aenean Elit Porta Fringilla Sit et Ipsum Dolor Amet

Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue aenean lacinia bibendum ipsm dolor.

Fusce Lorem Justo Mattis

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla nec consequat velit. Pellentesque eget consequat elit, sit amet pellentesque dolor. Sed sed consequat nibh. Etiam mollis sem ac felis lobortis, sit amet aliquet massa pulvinar. Praesent condimentum porta metus at porta. Vestibulum felis dui, vulputate et ante sed, semper luctus quam. 

Sample Post Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla nec consequat velit. Pellentesque eget consequat elit, sit amet pellentesque dolor. Sed sed consequat nibh. Etiam mollis sem ac felis lobortis, sit amet aliquet massa pulvinar. Praesent condimentum porta metus at porta. Vestibulum felis dui, vulputate et ante sed, semper luctus quam. 

Other Professional Learning Opportunities

CAIS schools are leaders in education. Many of our schools develop programs for educators, and we encourage you to check out these opportunities in our sections below.

Additionally, from time to time, CAIS promotes Professional Learning opportunities led by credible organizations with missions and values that are aligned with CAIS.

Contact us to post your program with CAIS

CAIS School Conferences & PL Opportunities

CAIS schools are leaders in education. Many schools develop programs for educators, and we encourage you to check out these world-class opportunities.


Regional PL Opportunities


CIS Ontario

Conference of Independent Schools of Ontario


Mission: Leadership and excellence in independent education in Ontario.

In serving our member schools, CIS Ontario advocates for quality independent school education for over 28,000 students and offers professional development and networking opportunities to more than 5,000 employees. 



Independent Schools Association of British Columbia (ISABC)


The purposes of the ISABC are to foster and encourage the establishment and operation of independent schools in BC. In a spirit of collaboration, the Association draws more closely together the Heads of School, school administrators, teachers, and students. The schools engage in collaborative professional development as the basis for enhancing teaching and learning in the schools.



Quebec Association of Independent Schools (QAIS)


QAIS promotes collaboration, provides services that further educational leadership and advocates independent English language education in Quebec on behalf of its member schools.