Expect The Best


Post Title: Justo en Dolor Mollis, Purus, et Elit

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Aenean Elit Porta Fringilla Sit et Ipsum Dolor Amet

Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue aenean lacinia bibendum ipsm dolor.

Fusce Lorem Justo Mattis

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla nec consequat velit. Pellentesque eget consequat elit, sit amet pellentesque dolor. Sed sed consequat nibh. Etiam mollis sem ac felis lobortis, sit amet aliquet massa pulvinar. Praesent condimentum porta metus at porta. Vestibulum felis dui, vulputate et ante sed, semper luctus quam. 

Sample Post Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla nec consequat velit. Pellentesque eget consequat elit, sit amet pellentesque dolor. Sed sed consequat nibh. Etiam mollis sem ac felis lobortis, sit amet aliquet massa pulvinar. Praesent condimentum porta metus at porta. Vestibulum felis dui, vulputate et ante sed, semper luctus quam. 

New Heads of School & Board Chair Orientation Programs

Transitioning into a CAIS Head or Chair role

Leadership learning does not end with the acceptance of leadership roles. Education trends are continuously emerging. Similarly, School contexts and priorities change as they evolve to meet the needs of their students in a changing world. Effective leaders need to continue reflecting, learning and building areas of knowledge and competency.

The program starts with a Mentor opportunity and the annual Heads & Chairs conference followed by a series of meetings that focus on the key issues faced by new Heads of School in their first year.

More information on the this Program will be posted when available.

For further information contact Rachael Brownell Swain, Manager of Professional Learning at rbswain@cais.ca