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Expectations of Candidate and Member Schools
#1: The school operates ethically and within all laws, statutes and regulations in the jurisdiction in which it is located.
#2: The school has a governing body acting at arm’s length from the administration of the school. This Board is elected and structured to oversee the school mission, vision, values and strategy. The day-to-day operations are managed by the Head of School, who is the Chief Executive Officer and reports to the Board of Governors.
#3: The school demonstrates support for the CAIS vision, mission, and values.
#4: The school has been in continuous operation and viable for at least five years.
#5: The school’s statement of purposes and objectives reflects sound educational and social goals. The school maintains high standards of character and behaviour for its students, in addition to providing academic preparation for higher education.
#6: Heads and Chairs are expected to attend the annual CAIS Heads & Chairs Conference during which an Annual General Meeting is held.
#7: The School has its first Peer Review within three years at which time it is expected to have met all 2021 CAIS National Standards.
#8: The school participates in annual Research Projects, including Benchmarking and Compensation Surveys.
#9: The school pays annual membership fees based on school enrolment. Annual membership fees begin upon acceptance as a Candidate and are prorated based on the date of acceptance.
#10: The School submits an Annual Membership Report and when applicable, a Substantive Change Report.
#11: The School adheres to all CAIS Policies, a selection of which can be accessed here.
#12: The school is responsible for any travel and accommodation expenses incurred by the members of the Applicant School Review Team.
#13: The School supports the following programs and services:
- CAIS Professional Learning for School Leaders and aspiring school leaders, including the National Leaders Conference and the Leadership Institute
- Ad Hoc Research Projects (e.g. Governance and Pluralism Surveys)
- Canadian Boarding Collective (if applicable)