Expect The Best


Post Title: Justo en Dolor Mollis, Purus, et Elit

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Aenean Elit Porta Fringilla Sit et Ipsum Dolor Amet

Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue aenean lacinia bibendum ipsm dolor.

Fusce Lorem Justo Mattis

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla nec consequat velit. Pellentesque eget consequat elit, sit amet pellentesque dolor. Sed sed consequat nibh. Etiam mollis sem ac felis lobortis, sit amet aliquet massa pulvinar. Praesent condimentum porta metus at porta. Vestibulum felis dui, vulputate et ante sed, semper luctus quam. 

Sample Post Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla nec consequat velit. Pellentesque eget consequat elit, sit amet pellentesque dolor. Sed sed consequat nibh. Etiam mollis sem ac felis lobortis, sit amet aliquet massa pulvinar. Praesent condimentum porta metus at porta. Vestibulum felis dui, vulputate et ante sed, semper luctus quam. 

CAIS Middle School Leadership Conference

Join Us for the 2023-2024 Middle School Leadership Program!

We are excited to announce that the 2023-2024 Middle School Leadership Program will be held in Winnipeg, Manitoba from May 7-10, 2024. The program will be hosted by Balmoral Hall, Gray Academy of Jewish Education, and St. John's Ravenscourt schools.

Coming soon! We will provide additional information on the selection criteria, a detailed schedule, accommodations, and conference fees. This will ensure that you have all the necessary information to plan your participation effectively.


The 2022-2023 Middle School Leadership Program

This year, the Middle School Leadership Program brought together 96 middle school students from 24 schools across seven provinces and Bermuda. They met three times to gain inspiration and learn about leadership from peers across Canada. As part of the program, student leaders developed their own school-based leadership projects and showcased them through engaging videos in a fun culminating event.

We extend our appreciation to the CAIS Middle School Advisory Committee:

  • Chair: Julie Clement (Pickering College)
  • Jeff Adams (Havergal College)
  • James Darling (Holy Trinity School)
  • Steve Landreville (St. John's Ravenscourt School)
  • Ann Walters (Collingwood School)
  • Teresa Woodford (Halifax Grammar School)


For more information on CAIS Student Leadership Programs, please contact Catherine McCauley, Director of Professional Learning, at cmccauley@cais.ca.