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Top 10 Advantages of an Independent Education
Academic Quality
CAIS independent schools offer unparalleled quality that is confirmed by their adherence to the strict standards required to be a member in good standing of our organization.
Personalized Approach
Specialized teachers, lower student-teacher ratios, and the involvement of parents as partners in education with our schools, mean close, individualized attention for each student, resulting in better outcomes.
Specialized Expertise
You have the choice among a wide variety of options and approaches to education from CAIS schools. Click here for examples of the types of schools available in the CAIS membership.
Top Quality Teachers
Our teachers have the freedom to pursue innovative approaches to learning and collaborating that simply don’t exist outside the independent school community.
Diverse Experience
Offering the best, most relevant education in today’s world requires an environment and approach to learning that embraces a global perspective and exposes students to the reality of a connected planet. Generous and growing financial aid programs ensure that all talented students are able to access an independent education.
Latest Technology
Independent schools employ the most cutting-edge technologies that enable vast learning, and literacy in this area is a fundamental driver of success in a knowledge economy.
21st Century Learning
Innovation, creativity, technological wizardry, collaborative leadership, global connection, and trans-disciplinary skills are among a few of the major drivers of success for today’s professional. Independent schools are in the unique position of being able to lead the changes required of our education system to accommodate a new kind of thinking for a new kind of world.
Parent Participation
These schools would not exist without the passion of an engaged parent community committed not only to the success of their own children, but to that of the whole community of students.
Post-Secondary Success
Nearly 100% of CAIS' 53,000 students are accepted at the university or college of their choice.
Happy Students
We cannot underestimate the value of happiness as it relates to success, especially at these critical learning stages of a child’s life. Creating a lively community of discovery, joy, spirit, and respect is the underpinning of all CAIS schools, and not surprisingly, the most important factor in their success.