Expect The Best


Post Title: Justo en Dolor Mollis, Purus, et Elit

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Aenean Elit Porta Fringilla Sit et Ipsum Dolor Amet

Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue aenean lacinia bibendum ipsm dolor.

Fusce Lorem Justo Mattis

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla nec consequat velit. Pellentesque eget consequat elit, sit amet pellentesque dolor. Sed sed consequat nibh. Etiam mollis sem ac felis lobortis, sit amet aliquet massa pulvinar. Praesent condimentum porta metus at porta. Vestibulum felis dui, vulputate et ante sed, semper luctus quam. 

Sample Post Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla nec consequat velit. Pellentesque eget consequat elit, sit amet pellentesque dolor. Sed sed consequat nibh. Etiam mollis sem ac felis lobortis, sit amet aliquet massa pulvinar. Praesent condimentum porta metus at porta. Vestibulum felis dui, vulputate et ante sed, semper luctus quam. 

Peer Review Team

The mission of CAIS is to develop and promote educational excellence and school improvement in independent schools. Joining a Peer Review Team is one of the most important contributions you can make to the larger independent school community.

All Peer Review Team members are:

  • Recommended by their Head of School
  • Selected by the CAIS team based on their areas of expertise and experience
  • Expected to read the 2021 CAIS Accreditation Guidelines and the School’s Self Study in CAIS Connect
  • Expected to participate in two virtual pre-review training sessions
  • Expected to participate in the four-day Peer Review and complete required writing
  • Bound by a CAIS Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest Agreement

Participation on a team is also considered to be valuable professional learning and networking experience. 

Participate on a CAIS Peer Review

If you would like to participate on a CAIS Peer Review team, please complete the following form to be added to our database of potential candidates.