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Meet the Board
CAIS Board of Directors
CAIS' identity is reflected through strong governance. The Board is a national and capable group committed to best practice in governance policies and procedures. It is committed to a thorough, consultative and transparent decision-making process while serving the best interests of member schools.
The mission and work of the not-for-profit organization is overseen by a volunteer Board of Directors. The term of office of elected Directors is three years, with the understanding that Directors will ordinarily serve two terms (i.e. six years). A majority of the directors are people who are independent of CAIS schools, that is not Heads of Schools, Chairs of Boards, directors, officers or employees of CAIS schools.
In addition to the two councils, Standards and Evaluation, there are three standing committees: Finance and Audit, Governance, and Executive Director Performance Review. From time to time, task forces may be formed to deal with specific projects or issues. All councils, committees and task forces report to the full Board.

CAIS Board Adivsors